Some days it’s just a “meatball-kinda-day”! The other day was one of those days for me! I can’t say I eat meatballs very often… actually it’s probably been since the Turkey Ricotta Meatballs I made last summer since I’ve had them, but every now and then I get a mad meatball craving, and because I
Dairy Free
Raw Carrot Cake Bites with Vanilla Protein Frosting
It’s Easter weekend already? Seriously where does the time go these days?! I was doing some brainstorming to decide what type of recipe I could do for this Easter inspired post, and I got some great suggestions on Facebook (thanks everyone!). I decided to go with the carrot cake idea! I’m not really sure what
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Dairy Free
Peach Pie Fudge
Peach. Pie. Fudge. Need I say more? Didn’t think so, but I will anyways! I was thinking it has been far too long since my last fudge post (you may remember the oh so delicious Eatmore Fudge Squares) which was extremely popular, so it was time for another one! This fudge is totally different yet
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Dairy Free
Simple Broth Poached Salmon with Blueberry Balsamic Reduction
The hubby and I have been eating tons of salmon lately as part of our 12-week fit challenge (which, by the way is almost over already!! Holy smokes that went by quick!!), and I’ve been trying to flavor it up many different ways to keep it exciting! One of my favorites is the Ginger Soy
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Step By Step: Double Chocolate Protein Nut Butter Cups & An AWESOME Treadmill Workout!
I have a double whammy for you today! Since last Wednesday’s ‘What I Ate’ post I have had tons of comments and questions about the protein nut butter cups I have as my last snack of the day! They seemed to have peaked quite a bit of interest… and as they should, they are DELICIOUS!
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Dairy Free
Chili Crusted Ahi Tuna & Avocado Salad with Cilantro Garlic Dressing
First, let’s all just pause for a moment and take in the sheer beauty of that salad…(yup, here I ago again referring to food as beautiful…but seriously, such a pretty little salad!!) I unfortunately don’t get to buy Ahi tuna often, for a couple of reasons; it’s hard to get (here in the Alberta prairies),
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Dairy Free
Vegan Basil Cornbread
Mmm cornbread, there’s just something about it that is so warm and comforting! I can’t say I eat cornbread regularly, but I’ve had it on a few occasions at restaurants, and am always reminded of how delicious it is!! There is a restaurant here in Edmonton called The Sugarbowl, and surprisingly, unlike the name suggests,
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Dairy Free
Jerk Chicken & Simple Vinaigrette Slaw Tacos (GF)
Jerk chicken…tacos. Yes, I know, not the most likely combination! I’m pretty much combining two totally different cuisines with this one.. but seriously people, trust me, it SO works! Jerk chicken is always amazing. When the hubby and I were in Costa Rica a few years ago, we stayed in this little town called Peurto
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Dairy Free
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Energy Bars
Happy Sunday everyone! Today I have another wonderfully simple, super delicious, and clean, wholesome, healthy recipe for you! Last year was when I really first got into the “make your own ‘Larabars’” frenzy. Who knew it could be so simple to put together your own clean eating energy bars at home with some varying