It’s been too long since I’ve made a new fudge recipe, much too long. Fudge, healthy fudge for that matter, should really be a monthly thing. Don’t you agree?? In the past I’ve made peach fudge, pumpkin fudge, gingerbread fudge, Eatmore fudge, even chocolate orange fudge…I’m a pretty big fudge fan to say the least.
3 Ingredient Sweet Potato Pancakes With Roasted Berry Rhubarb Compote
It’s S U N D A Y ! A perfect day for pancakes…am I right?! I’ve got one amazing recipe for the simplest 3-ingredient sweet potato pancakes topped with a delicious, fresh, sweet, and tart roasted berry rhubarb compote. Yep. That’s a whole lot of tastiness on one plate! This past week in my weekly SPUD
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Energy Balls
NITK’s Favourite Energy Bars Balls + Bites
Wow, it’s pretty crazy how many recipes I’ve managed to compile over the last few years… they sure do add up! So I was perusing my recipes list and noticed how many yummy Energy Snack recipes there are! I’ve always loved coming up with these recipes in particular because they are simple, quick, portable, and always
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Dairy Free
Healthy Dairy Free S’more Ice Cream + My First Vid!
I’ve been Summer dreaming a lot lately. I know, it’s only April, and Summer truly doesn’t make its way to YEG until the end of JUNE… seriously… but that doesn’t mean a girl can’t dream! A sweet breeze whipping through my hair as I drive, arm hanging out the car window…..lying in the back yard, eyes
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Pear & Almond Butter Muesli Snack Stacks
I used to think that peanut butter was the cats meow, I would eat it shamelessly right out of the jar, with a spoon, or even a fork if all the spoons were in the dishwasher. Then, I met Mr. Almond Butter and everything changed. Although PB was my first love, I’ve grown, I’ve changed,
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Dairy Free
Sautéed Vegetables & Grilled Chicken Thighs with Coconut Almond Kaffir Lime Cream
I admit it, I made an audible squeal at the grocery store when I saw the kaffir lime leaf the other week. It’s been ages since I’ve been able to find this amazing ingredient at any of my local grocery stores so I was thrilled to say the least! Is it odd that food excites me to point
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Layered Chia Pudding with Strawberry Fig Compote
Chia pudding. Yep, we all know about it, most of us are fans, it’s nothing new, I get that…but today, it’s chia pudding and a couple layers of extra yumminess! It’s no surprise that I’m a fan of chia, you’ve seen it on the blog many times (here, here, and here to name a few), and
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Dairy Free
Broken Vanilla Cupcake Fig & Banana Coconut Cream Trifles
I am super excited to be guest posting over on Gourmande in the Kitchen today! I’m a huge fan of Sylvie’s beautiful blog and it’s a pleasure to be sharing this delicious recipe (a follow up to last weeks cupcakes) with all of her regular readers! Head over to her blog (click the link below)
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Dairy Free
First things first! Happy Easter, I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend! I thought about posting something Easter inspired today but then I thought… that’s likely what everyone else is doing so I’m going to go against the grain and do something different… here goes! There’s this salad, it’s called the “500 Salad” from a