Mmm.. remember girl scout thin mint cookies? Crunchy, crispy, chocolaty, minty… delicious! Yep, I had a few in my day, and I’m pretty sure they are still around… I just can’t say I’ve had one in a long time! That’s why, when I came across this recipe; a cookie, that tasted like a thin mint, but
Secretly Healthy Red Velvet Whoopie Cakes
Well gee! It’s about time I got a dessert up on the blog!! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long – but of course, as most of you know, the Hubby and I are now entering Week 4 of our 12-Week Challenge (holy moly! I can’t believe how fast it’s going by already!!), so we
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Dairy Free
Easy Slow Cooker Pulled Chicken
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday so far! Sunday is definitely one of my favorite days of the week. It’s almost always a relaxing day to take it easy, finish up some odds and ends, and take time to visualize the week ahead. Sometimes I have a family gathering, other times the
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Dairy Free
Lime Steamed Curry Cod & Chili Garlic Baked Sweet Potato Fries
It’s a double whammy today!! Two recipes in one delicious dish! Of course, you can make the fish and the fries and enjoy them together, like I did, or separately! I’m going to keep this post simple and to the point! This meal was the lovely lunch I had yesterday. It was super easy
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Dairy Free
Roasted Vegetable & Balsamic Chicken Wrap…and Challenge Update #3!
We are going on Day 11 of the 12-week challenge! Almost two weeks into it! I know, I know, that’s only like 16.6% of the way…not that I’m counting!! But, I must say I am already starting to feel stronger and leaner, and my dear Hubby has lost over 5 lbs already! Way to go
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Dairy Free
Roasted Cinnamon Sweet Potato Soup
The hubby and I are just about a full week into our challenge and we managed to survive Ukrainian Christmas!! It was very tough to say no to the perogies, cabbage rolls, and other delicious Ukrainian dishes, but we stayed strong and stuck to our plan! We even passed on the homemade cake pops and
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Dairy Free
Moroccan Spiced Sprouted Grain & Prawn Salad …and Challenge Update #1!
Yay! The first few days of the challenge have gone wonderfully thus far! Justin and I made a big grocery trip this week and stocked up on everything we needed. I’ll admit, the bill was pretty hefty BUT this food will last us at least a month, and we will save money on NOT eating
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Meat Free Mondays
Banana Bread Muffins with Almond Butter Filling
Merry Christmas Eve Day! This is probably my favorite day of the Christmas season. Growing up we always had our big Christmas celebration (opening presents, going to the church service, snacking away on delicious food, caroling, etc.) on Christmas Eve then took it easy and lounged around the house on the 25th! If you
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Frozen Pumpkin Pie Dessert (Vegan & Gluten Free)
A Little Prelude: Ok, so I have to be honest, not all things that are attempted in the “Kitch” turn out as hoped. Yup, I’ll admit it, I have a failure now and then…. “le sigh”. Pumpkin pie was not my initial idea for this post, I was thinking pumpkin, but I attempted some cream