Raspberry Coconut & Vanilla Chia Pudding

I was recently contacted by PRANA foods to share about their great products! This was exciting for me because I was already very familiar with PRANA as I use their products a lot! They carry dried fruits, nuts, seeds, superfoods like Goji, Cocao, Carob, Lucuma, and much more… a whole lovely whack of stuff to make healthy deliciousness with!

Prana sent me a breakfast pack to make some of the recipes that are part of their new web series Savor Life with Marie! Marie is the founder of PRANA!ย They also sent me more goodies to GIVEAWAY! How awesome is that?!

I chose to make my own version of the Vanilla Chia Pudding with Berries!

Here is my step-by-step creation of the chia pudding with a couple NITK twists!

1. Start with your empty jar!

2. Add in the almond milk (unsweetened, 1 cup).

3. Add in some PRANA vanilla.. or pure vanilla extract (1/4 tsp).

4. Add in 3 tablespoons of whole chia seeds.

5. Add in shredded coconut (unsweetened), about 1 tablespoon.

6. Add in coconut palm sugar (1 tablespoon) OR 1 tablespoon of sweetener of choice (pure maple syrup, raw honey, agave, stevia, etc.)

7. Shake, SHAKE, Shake it baby!!!

(…then pop in the fridge for 15 minutes, then shake it again, then pop in the fridge for 30 more minutes!)

8. Top with fresh or frozen raspberries and a little more coconut, and….

9. DIG IN!!

Chia pudding is heavenly for your digestion and full of goodness! It’s not the most beautiful pudding, I’ll admit that, lol, but it tastes delicious and hits the spot!

Now, for the GIVEAWAY!

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—–>>>>>ย ENTER HEREย <<<<——

Good luck and have a fantastic weekend!!


Nutritionist in the Kitch

Author: Christal Sczebel

Christal is the creator of Nutrition in the Kitch. She's a Certified Nutritional Consultant, twice published author, gluten and dairy free recipe developer, food photographer, speaker, wife, and mama. Christal loves good food, all things wellness, and loves to travel. Her wellness philosophy is centred around balance and sustainable health, life's way too short for boring diets and restriction!

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