The other weekend my lovely in-laws (sister and mom) came to visit and we celebrated both mine and my sis-in-law’s birthdays! I love it when I can get together with family and we can all enjoy each others company. My mom-in-law has a gluten intolerance so we always try to pre-plan some yummy meals and
Dairy Free
Dark Chocolate Dipped Mango Snacks // Gluten & Dairy Free
Oh hey, thanks for stopping by! I want to talk about two things today: Jesus, and Mango. Wait, wait, before you get all uncomfortable and squirmy I want to say first off that I’m not planning to get apocalyptic on you and use my blog as a platform to be preachy or judgy. Although… I may
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Roasted Potatoes with Creamy Lemon Dill Sauce // Dairy & Gluten Free
When my Baba was still alive we would visit her every year as she lived far away and I seriously looked forward to that time with anticipation all year. I loved to see my Baba, I loved her house, I loved her hugs, I loved the little town she lived in, and I definitely LOVED
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Maca Banana Chocolate Chip Waffles
I would love to say that I’m always sticking to my plan for the blog, but often I end up creating something spur of the moment and frankly, that really seems to be the time when the most magic happens! Not to say I don’t like having a blog plan – I do try to stick
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Rich & Creamy Chocolate Chia Avocado Smoothie
Happy Valentine’s Day! Ah, the day of love (not that every day shouldn’t be a day of love…), but today, is especially a day to squeeze your better half, babies, or fur babies, extra tight – or really whoever in your life makes your heart warm. It also seems to be a special day that
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Dairy Free
Double Chocolate Chip Pecan Cookies
I’m a lover of all things chocolate. Dark chocolate that is. I don’t know what it is about chocolate….or women and chocolate actually. It’s quite amusing that in my 6 years of nutritional consulting, I’ve worked with hundreds of women and I can confidentily say at least 75% of them indicated “chocolate” on their intake forms
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Dairy Free
20-Minute Chicken Tortilla Soup
*This post was originally published in November 2012 and has been updated and rephotographed for quality and accuracy!* Whenever I’m feeling a little chilled or run-down, a bowl of something delicious, comforting, and healthy always hits the spot. That’s where this amazing 20-Minute Tortilla Soup comes in! From start to finish the Tortilla Soup takes about, yes, just
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Energizing Winter Smoothie Bowl & An Energy Boosting Giveaway
I have days every now and then when I think back on my childhood, teen years, and even early 20’s and wish I had that kind of energy again. Not that I don’t have energy now, I do, but it’s definitely not as consistent! I find especially through the winter that my energy waxes and
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Dairy Free
Gingerbread & Dark Chocolate Drizzle Energy Balls (Nut, Dairy & Gluten Free)
One comment I’ve read more than a few times over the years of creating recipes for the blog is while energy bars, balls, and bites are well received as a healthy, easy, go-to snack, they almost always contain nuts leaving those with nut allergies out on the sidelines with tears welled up in their eyes, sad that