Black Forest Cake Protein Smoothie

April is going to be a great month everyone, just fantastic, I can feel it in my bones!

Why? Well… I have lots of exciting things planned for the blog, like today’s super awesome GIVEAWAY… who doesn’t like free stuff… and free AWESOME stuff at that?!

Also, the hubby and I are packing our bags in a couple weeks and jetting off to Hawaii to escape the (still) winter cold here in the Canadian prairies… yep, we pretty much get winter until June here.

Oh, and I am in the midst of writing another guest post for a fantastic, well-known, health blogger that I just adore!!! How cool that I get to post on her blog!? (stay tuned to hear more about this one, which I kind of have to keep under wraps right now… but the excitement is killing me!).

So yeah, APRIL you ROCK – let’s do this!

Ok, now – this recipe. What can I say about it… well, three words kind of do all the explaining..




In a smoothie…? With lots of healthy protein…? And antioxidants..? And other good for you food..??Β 

Why, yes!!! It’s almost too good to be true!

Ok, so what do we really have in this magical smoothie? Well, we have all the wonderful, delicious, “O.M.G.” flavors of Black Forest Cake… chocolate, more chocolate, cherries, and more chocolate!

North Coast Naturals was kind enough to send me a whole tickle trunk of goodies, to sample, and use to make delicious recipes such as this one! I had SO much fun testing out their products!

As you may already know, I am a big fan of North Coast Naturals and truly stand behind their products. When they saw that I was using their protein powder in so many of my smoothies, they offered to send me some different products to see what I could make out of them!

So, Thank You, North Coast Naturals, like April, you ALSO ROCK!

North Coast Naturals is of course, also the provider of the products for the GIVEAWAY today!

So one of you lucky readers also gets to try out some of their awesome products for freeeee!

Ok, so back to my protein smoothie.

I used the North Coast Naturals Raw Hemp Smoothie mix as the base. There are a few fantastic things that I love about this product.

a) It tastes delicious. yum, like dark chocolate, with almost a hint of espresso (although it doesn’t contain any, I just get a little taste of that, which is also why it worked so wonderfully in this smoothie)

b) It’s all natural, and FULL of good-for-you ingredients such as hemp protein, pumpkin seed powder, fair trade organic cocoa, sprouted brown rice protein powder, spirulina, and probiotics!!

c) It has 10… ten.. TEN grams of easily-digestible-for-keepin’-you-regular fiber per 2 tablespoons! (HELLO, admit it, we all love fiber – seriously, who doesn’t like being a good pooper?!)

It is also naturally sweetened with no refined sugars or artificial sweeteners in sight!

Along with the Raw Hemp Smoothie Mix, I used frozen banana, frozen cherries (which, if they are in season where you are, I would totally use fresh!), raw cocoa powder, dark chocolate shavings, ice, and water.

The banana provides a punch of potassium, the cherries, cocoa powder, and dark chocolate all provide ample amounts of antioxidants, and the raw hemp tops it all of with protein, fiber, and love.

Yes, love.

It’s in there somewhere, I could just feel it when mowed down on this delicious smoothie.

Now, just to give you the option, you can always use any other chocolate protein powder you want in this recipe – but please, for the sake of loving your body, make sure it’s clean, with no refined or artificial ingredients! Β It would just break my heart to see this smoothie made with a protein powder chock full of aspartame or sucralose. πŸ™Β 

5.0 from 5 reviews
Black Forest Cake Protein Smoothie (vegan & gluten free) & A Giveaway!!!
Black Forest Cake Protein Smoothie Prep time: 5 mins Total time: 5 mins Serves: 1
  • 2 scoops North Coast Naturals Chocolate Hemp Protein Powder
  • ½ cup frozen pitted cherries (or fresh if they are in season!)
  • ½ frozen banana
  • 1 tablespoon raw cocoa powder
  • ¼ cup water or unsweetened almond milk
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 1 teaspoon dark chocolate shavings to garnish
  1. Place the protein powder, cherries, banana, cocoa powder, ice, and water into a blender and blend to a thick smooth consistency.
  2. Garnish with a cherry and dark chocolate shavings.
  3. Devour!

Ok, I know you have been patiently waiting for it…

The Giveaway!

This giveaway will be active until Tuesday at 11:59pm so enter with all the options to get as many entries as you can!

Share, tweet, pin, love! I will notify the winner once they have been randomly selected! Ok, go!!!

Follow this link to get to the GIVEAWAY ENTRY SCREEN

——–>Β a Rafflecopter GiveawayΒ <———-

*Giveaway Has Ended*


*The product(s) used for this recipe and post were provided to me by North Coast Naturals. Aside from the actual product(s) used to create the recipe and provided for the giveaway, I did not receive any monetary compensation from North Coast Naturals and the opinions/review of the product(s) are entirely my own (Christal of Nutritionist in the Kitch).Β 

Author: Christal Sczebel

Christal is the creator of Nutrition in the Kitch. She's a Certified Nutritional Consultant, twice published author, gluten and dairy free recipe developer, food photographer, speaker, wife, and mama. Christal loves good food, all things wellness, and loves to travel. Her wellness philosophy is centred around balance and sustainable health, life's way too short for boring diets and restriction!

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  • I have never made a protein smoothie at home and was just saying the other day how I need to buy some protein and get into it! Actually, the Chocolate PB Cups inspired me to consider it. So I would LOVE to give this a try! And for those of us that are culinarily challenged… this looks so simple! πŸ™‚ Let’s see how many things can go wrong with me and the blender!

  • I don’t have much experience with protein shakes, mine mostly consist of bananas, kale, kefir or yogurt, cinnamon, cayenne and a little whole milk or water (depends what I have). I’ve tried a couple of protein powder samples but many don’t have a great consistency or it tastes very powdery.

    • There is nothing powdery about the protein smoothie recipes I post! Trust me, try any of them and you’ll be in love! πŸ™‚

  • This sounds super yummy. My go-to smoothie is a frozen banana with peanut butter and almond or soy milk and chocolate protein powder. Chunky monkey style… I just will never love anything else as much as that flavor combination. πŸ™‚

  • I know so little about protein powders and I really need to learn more. Good to have a brand name recommendation!

    • Yep, it’s always good to find a clean natural brand like this one too! Lots of protein powders out there are full of junky ingredients πŸ™

  • I’ve been looking for a protein powder that isn’t full of artificial sweeteners, colours, and other junk I can’t even pronounce. Where can you buy this brand?
    I love almond butter, frozen banana, milk, and cocoa powder as a tasty dessert smoothie πŸ™‚

    • Hey Larissa! Depending on where you are you can buy it at Superstore, BulkBarn, or some health food stores too! They might have a locations list on their website too!